Abraham Lincoln Civil War

from $75.00

This painting is in the "Portraits of Influence" series. Abraham Lincoln was 56 years old in 1865; and the war is taking its toll on him mentally and physically in his efforts to preserve the Union. During this year he, approved the resolution submitting the 13th Amendment to the Constitution, abolishing slavery, met with Confederate peace commissioners at Hampton Roads, Virginia, was inaugurated for a second term and gave his inaugural address, visited General Grant at City Point as he entered Richmond, Virginia, after Union forces take possession, and died after being shot by John Wilkes Booth during a play at Ford's Theatre on April 15, 1865. The 35-star flag became Official United States Flag on July 4th, 1863 with the admission of West Virginia (June 20th, 1863).

8 x 10 -  $75,  16 x 20  - $395,  24 x 30 - $595

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This painting is in the "Portraits of Influence" series. Abraham Lincoln was 56 years old in 1865; and the war is taking its toll on him mentally and physically in his efforts to preserve the Union. During this year he, approved the resolution submitting the 13th Amendment to the Constitution, abolishing slavery, met with Confederate peace commissioners at Hampton Roads, Virginia, was inaugurated for a second term and gave his inaugural address, visited General Grant at City Point as he entered Richmond, Virginia, after Union forces take possession, and died after being shot by John Wilkes Booth during a play at Ford's Theatre on April 15, 1865. The 35-star flag became Official United States Flag on July 4th, 1863 with the admission of West Virginia (June 20th, 1863).

8 x 10 -  $75,  16 x 20  - $395,  24 x 30 - $595

This painting is in the "Portraits of Influence" series. Abraham Lincoln was 56 years old in 1865; and the war is taking its toll on him mentally and physically in his efforts to preserve the Union. During this year he, approved the resolution submitting the 13th Amendment to the Constitution, abolishing slavery, met with Confederate peace commissioners at Hampton Roads, Virginia, was inaugurated for a second term and gave his inaugural address, visited General Grant at City Point as he entered Richmond, Virginia, after Union forces take possession, and died after being shot by John Wilkes Booth during a play at Ford's Theatre on April 15, 1865. The 35-star flag became Official United States Flag on July 4th, 1863 with the admission of West Virginia (June 20th, 1863).

8 x 10 -  $75,  16 x 20  - $395,  24 x 30 - $595