Frederick Douglass


This painting is in the "Portraits of Influence" series. Abolitionist Frederick Douglass, original name Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey, was born February 17, 1817 in Cordova, Maryland. He escaped from slavery in Maryland to become one of the foremost social reformers of his era. The daguerreotype, which served as the base of this painting, was produced by Samuel J. Miller in Akron, Ohio, between 1847 and 1852. According to the Art Institute of Chicago: Northeastern Ohio was a center of abolitionism prior to the Civil War, and Douglass knew that this picture, one of an astonishing number that he commissioned or posed for, would be seen by ardent supporters of his campaign to end slavery. Douglass was an intelligent manager of his public image and likely guided Miller in projecting his intensity and sheer force of character. As a result, this portrait demonstrates that Douglass truly appeared “majestic in his wrath,” as the nineteenth-century feminist Elizabeth Cady Stanton observed. Frederick Douglass has been called the father of the civil rights movement. He rose through determination, brilliance, and eloquence to shape the American nation. He was an abolitionist, human rights and women's rights activist, orator, author, journalist, publisher, and social reformer. Douglass died of a massive heart attack on February 20, 1895 of a massive heart attack. He was 78.

8 x 10 -  $75,  16 x 20  - $395,  24 x 30 - $595

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This painting is in the "Portraits of Influence" series. Abolitionist Frederick Douglass, original name Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey, was born February 17, 1817 in Cordova, Maryland. He escaped from slavery in Maryland to become one of the foremost social reformers of his era. The daguerreotype, which served as the base of this painting, was produced by Samuel J. Miller in Akron, Ohio, between 1847 and 1852. According to the Art Institute of Chicago: Northeastern Ohio was a center of abolitionism prior to the Civil War, and Douglass knew that this picture, one of an astonishing number that he commissioned or posed for, would be seen by ardent supporters of his campaign to end slavery. Douglass was an intelligent manager of his public image and likely guided Miller in projecting his intensity and sheer force of character. As a result, this portrait demonstrates that Douglass truly appeared “majestic in his wrath,” as the nineteenth-century feminist Elizabeth Cady Stanton observed. Frederick Douglass has been called the father of the civil rights movement. He rose through determination, brilliance, and eloquence to shape the American nation. He was an abolitionist, human rights and women's rights activist, orator, author, journalist, publisher, and social reformer. Douglass died of a massive heart attack on February 20, 1895 of a massive heart attack. He was 78.

8 x 10 -  $75,  16 x 20  - $395,  24 x 30 - $595

This painting is in the "Portraits of Influence" series. Abolitionist Frederick Douglass, original name Frederick Augustus Washington Bailey, was born February 17, 1817 in Cordova, Maryland. He escaped from slavery in Maryland to become one of the foremost social reformers of his era. The daguerreotype, which served as the base of this painting, was produced by Samuel J. Miller in Akron, Ohio, between 1847 and 1852. According to the Art Institute of Chicago: Northeastern Ohio was a center of abolitionism prior to the Civil War, and Douglass knew that this picture, one of an astonishing number that he commissioned or posed for, would be seen by ardent supporters of his campaign to end slavery. Douglass was an intelligent manager of his public image and likely guided Miller in projecting his intensity and sheer force of character. As a result, this portrait demonstrates that Douglass truly appeared “majestic in his wrath,” as the nineteenth-century feminist Elizabeth Cady Stanton observed. Frederick Douglass has been called the father of the civil rights movement. He rose through determination, brilliance, and eloquence to shape the American nation. He was an abolitionist, human rights and women's rights activist, orator, author, journalist, publisher, and social reformer. Douglass died of a massive heart attack on February 20, 1895 of a massive heart attack. He was 78.

8 x 10 -  $75,  16 x 20  - $395,  24 x 30 - $595