Presidents and Celebrities
Rosemary Vasquez Tuthill, “Over history, there have been notable individuals who have made contributions which have influenced culture and affected society in areas including politics, science, music, art, technology, sports, social justice, and other areas with the common link – each individual in the series has supporters and detractors. Recognizing these individuals for what they achieved is important for consideration, but it is also important to embody the impacts these accomplishments had on their essence as reflected in each of their portraits. Thus, I created the Portraits of Influence series and selected some individuals that reflect the considerations - often expressed in the background of each individual’s portrait. I will add to this series; so from time to time check back and see who I added.”
Herbert Hoover
George Washington
Thomas Jefferson
Abraham Lincoln Young
Abraham Lincoln Civil War
Ulysses Grant
Theodore Roosevelt
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
John F. Kennedy
Richard Nixon
Ronald Reagan
George W. Bush
Donald Trump
Winston Churchill
Frederick Douglass
Rosa Parks
Freddy Mercury
Selena Quintanilla-Perez
Chuck Berry
Leonardo da Vinci
Charles Darwin
Albert Einstein
Vincent Van Gogh
Lucille Ball
Frida Kahlo
Princess Diana
Elon Musk
Steve Jobs
George Lucas
Walt Disney
Stan Lee
Vin Scully
Magic Johnson

Princess Kate Middleton